Let the campaigning begin.

Following a last-minute rush of nominations for this year’s local body elections, there will be a full election come October.

In all, there are six mayoral candidates, and, in the Whakatipu, six candidates standing for the three-seat Arrowtown-Kawarau ward, and nine going for the four-seat Queenstown-Whakatipu ward.

Residents’ had their first chance to hear from most of the mayoral candidates — Glyn Lewers, Jon Mitchell, Daniel Shand (Wanaka), Neeta Shetty and Olivia Wensley — came last Thursday at a Queenstown Business Chamber of Commerce event for members
at St Moritz – Al Angus was unable to attend.

Next, ative travel group, The Lightfoot Initiative, is hosting a mayoral forum for the five Whakatipu-based candidates tomorrow, from 6.30pm, at Te Atamira.

Lightfoot’s co-founder Amanda Robinson says the candidates have been asked to speak on solving the district’s traffic woes, initially, before answering some pre-vetted questions.

The free community event has limited tickets available via events.humanitix.co./green-light.

Meantime, Catalyst Trust’s relaunching with a discussion on co-governance, also being held tomorrow day, at Hilton Queenstown,
from 6pm, where former National Party Treaty Negotiations Minister and Attorney-General Chris Finlayson will discuss what it means, where it’s headed, if that’s what the proposed health sector and Three Waters reforms are, and why it’s so feared.

Then, on September 13, Catalyst’s also holding a mayoral candidate forum — details of which are being finalised.

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