Exhibition reflections

One of New Zealand’s foremost artists, who’s also known for the diversity of his practice, gives a talk at Queenstown’s Starkwhite at 4pm this afternoon.

Auckland-based John Reynolds (pictured), who’s currently exhibiting at the gallery, is a painter who employs, according to his own biography, aspects of drawing and different types of representation for poetic effect.

He also produces sculptures and outdoor installations and is the recipient of a Laureate Award from the Arts Foundation of NZ.

In his Starkwhite exhibition, entitled ‘The moon and the flowers’, after the opening line of a haiku by Japanese haiku grandmaster Issa, he’s showing a series of large paintings accompanied by small block works.

He describes his works as ‘‘moonlighting on floral themes of passing time, blue lunar cycles, and the pungency and maddening beauty of our fleeting world’’.

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