As far as a secret weapon in a quiz team goes, he’d have to be one of the best.

In a major coup for July’s annual Novotel Cure Kids Quiz Night at the Queenstown Memorial Centre, The Chase’s ‘Dark Destroyer’, Shaun Wallace, will be on hand throughout the night, lending additional firepower to teams who successfully bid to have him join them for a round.

Wallace, a mad-keen rugby supporter, is on his way to New Zealand to watch his home country’s side, England, take on the All Blacks in Test matches in Auckland and Dunedin.

While here, he’s partnering with Sky-owned company Believe It Or Not to host ‘An Evening with Shaun Wallace’ events around the country — all profits from each event will go to the region’s chosen charity organisations.

Novotel Queenstown GM Jim Moore says the timing for the July 5 Cure Kids Quiz, which started in 2008, couldn’t be better, given the ABs game at Dunedin’s Forsyth Barr Stadium is the following night.

“So I made contact with a guy at the quiz, who is a friend of Shaun’s, and we teed it up.”

Along with bolstering the collective brain power of the teams who successfully bid on him for a round, Moore says they’re also planning a ‘Beat The Chaser’ round, in which one person from four or five teams will go up against Wallace, while he’ll also do some story-telling throughout the Party in the USA-themed night.

The ‘‘cherry on top’’, Moore says, will be if they manage to push total funds raised through the quiz for Cure Kids past the $500,000 mark.

He notes of the 35 tables of eight available, there are now only four or five tables, which cost $550 and include platter food, up for grabs.

To book a table, email [email protected]

[email protected]

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